Saturday, November 14, 2020


 Somedays are better in bed

    Opted for a frozen bagel this morning.  Thawed it, toasted it and got out the oleo.  Normally I would use the real thing....butter.  But, for some reason today I used the oleo.

    Everything tasted did taste like butter.  When I went to put the oleo away, I noticed a date on the bottom:  Best used by Sept. 17.  Really?  This stuff was in our fridge and it is three years old?

    When I go to the store for our monthy shopping trip, I generally pick up one or two pounds of butter and some margarine type thing, either Promise of Brummel and Brown or something like that.

    I had 4 of the Brummel and Brown.  Two of them had no expiration dates while the package of 2 said best used by Feb. 18.

    So, contrary to my devil may care approach to life, I tossed them all. ...6 unopened containers of margarine that seemed to be at least a year past their best use by date.

    Then I made some chili to freeze for the post surgery time.  All the ingredients were in the slow cooker and I went to wipe up the counter.  I noticed I only had one hearing aid in the charging unit.  

    My first thought was check the counter.  Nope.

    Second thought was check the floor.  Nope again.

    Third thought was check the dish rag and towel.  Nope again.

    Fourth thought was......could it somehow have ended up in the chili?  To which I said to myself, "Shit.  This could be real expensive chile."

    Lo and behold I found it behind the sugar canister on the counter!  How it got there I have no idea, I am just glad I found it.

    Then I noticed a puddle of water on the floor.  It was right where I was making the chili and where Corki has been hanging around. 

    I said to Jackie, "There is a lot of water on the floor here."

    She looked over and with her new eyesight said.  "Huh.  Hey, you bought a cucumber.  I see it on the counter."

    I said, "Yes, I bought two," and grabbed them, only to have one of them squish in my hand and send a stream of putrid cucumber juice, seeds, soggy pulp and who knows what else all across the floor and down the cabinets.

    Mystery solved.

    At least the floor is clean, the chili made, my meeting attended, and I even spent some time cleaning the basement, or as I call it, my recovery area.

    I am tired.

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Wear a mask.

Peace and Love

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