Thursday, November 26, 2020


 This was a really nice day

    It was Emily, John, Jackie and me.  That was nice, because I am not up to a lot of people around me yet.

    The kids did the cooking, the old folks did the eating.  Sure, we had some friends missing, and Julia is in Switzerland, and SIL Judy wasn't here, but I think that was the wise choice, especially for me.

    I am not a patient peerson.  I want my minute rice done in 30 seconds.  I don't buy green bananas.  Wait, I do buy green bananas!  They don't count.

    I don't like sitting through commercials or movie previews. The wait time before I go on in a play is interminable.  

    Sort of like Nike, I want to do

    So part of my healing process is taking longer than I want. 

    I won't be specific, but think of a baby eating applesauce,  or an old man without teeth drinking soup, or a leaky pipe, or an NBA point guard.  (They all dribble....just so you know.)

    I want that part to be over ASAP.  But as a couple of people pointed out, it was only 8 days ago I had major surgery, and 2 days ago that my catheter was removed.  Give it time.

    I want it now.

    On a statistical note......185.  That is the number of views my blog needs to reach the 200,000 view mark!  Thank you all for taking time from your lives to read my drivel.

    You are all greatly appreciated.

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Wear a mask.

Peace and Love