Sunday, July 19, 2020


I had another terrible sleeping night

     I did not have any afternoon caffeine, but I was a mess.  My legs itched like crazy.  Still do.  I put lotion on them, took a  Benadryl, but they kept me awake most of the night.
     Plus Jackie has an app on her phone that tells her about weather events.
     The phone went off for lightning nearby.  The phone went off for lightning near by, again.  And the phone went off for heavy rain.
     Of couse, she sleeps through the announcements while I try to figure out how to get back to sleep.  What would make sense is to disable least at night.
     That explains why at 11 a.m. I was still asleep.
       I got a very late start on the day, but still the yard was mowed, and trimmed, the native garden weeded, and a tomato eater captured.
     Notice I did not say I did all that...Camryn mowed.  That saved me a lot of time in the yard.  Weeding the native garden took about 10 minutes because I do believe the card board and mulch have cut down tremendously on the amount of weeds.
     I noticed something was eating my tomato leaves and tomatoes.  After a search, I found the culprit.  But I believe there is more than one.  They blend in, and are not easy to spot.
     I pulled this guy off and then sprayed the plants with an organic insecticidal soap, which may or may not work on the worms.  Time will tell.
     I am going to mix a mojito.  Maybe two.  And practice my flash cards....only Linda will understand that .....
     Maybe I'll watch the Cubs on ESPN.....who knows.
     For some reason, I am not tired.
     Stay healthy.  Stay home.  Wear a mask.
Peace and Love

This sucker was at least 4 inches long...looks like a leaf, right?

Black eyed em

Butterfly weed

purple coneflower

Plants seem to be doing well.

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