Sunday, July 26, 2020


We had a 10 percent chance of rain today

     It poured about 8 tonight.
     Buckets.  Wind.  Thunder.  Lightning.  Heavy rain.
     Hopefully it broke the heatwave.
     I always wonder about weathermen.  They are wrong so often, yet they are always watched.  I'd even guess they are some of the more beloved tv personalities.
     Remember George Carlin and the Hippy Dippy Weatherman?  He was funny.
     David Letterman started out as a weatherman.  I guess that worked out pretty good for him.
     Now I think weatherman is a term not to be used because there are women in the field.  Weather people?  Not all are meteorologists, so that doesn't work.
     Today the museum folk had a remembrance birthday party for a gent named Norm Skare.  His grand niece said it is pronounced Skar.....which means there are 3 pronunciations I have heard.  Skare Park, which is across the road from us, was named for him.  So I popped over to the park for a little while.
     It was hot, but there were a good turn out.  I  think people just want to get out and visit.
     I wore my mask and kept a safe distance from people most of the time, but sometimes you just end up next to someone.  Maybe we should all have curb feelers like the old cars used to have.
     If you are under 50 you may want to Google curb feelers.
     And a Cub win, chat with Julia, chat with friend John....all in all, a pretty good day.
     Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Mask it or casket.
Peace and Love

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