Tuesday, July 7, 2020


I'm in the money...I'm in the money

     You probably have noticed advertisements on my blog.
     Whenever someone clicks on the ad, I get paid.
     I don't know why I put them on the page.  Maybe I had read about bloggers getting millions of dollars every year for their work.
     Maybe I was just curious
     In any case, Google pays out in $100 increments.  I was notified the other day I had a $100 payment due!
     After 5 years..... I have earned $100!
     Believe me, I am not complaining.  I don't want people to click on the ads if they are not interested.  You don't have to click when you read the blog.  Don't do it.
     That being said, I don't know how to get my money.
     The website says I have to send them my bank account and the routing number so they can deposit the money in my account.
     I will not do that.
     I don't think it's a scam, but I am not comfortable telling people in whatever place they are my bank account info.
     I can't find a PayPal option or an option for an old fashioned check.  There is a number to call, but I am not in a calling mood.
     Maybe when I hit $200, in 2025, I will give them  the information.  Until then, I will keep writing and I hope you keep reading.  Don't click unless you mean it.
     Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Wear a mask.
Peace and Love.....and it is Ringo's 80th birthday today!  

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