Friday, July 3, 2020

day...holy hell!....109

I am not a warm weather person

     Once upon a time, I was.   When it was hot, I would ride my bike,  play outside, do yard work.
     Not any more.
     So the next several days pose a challenge for me:  How to not get overheated and yet still accomplish something..
     I have some mulching to do, still.  And some weeding.  And some picture sorting.
     So I think I will do picture sorting first.
     14 weeks ago, or June 30, I dragged out 10 totes of photos.  I foolishly said we would go through one a week over he next 10 weeks.
     I have not touched them.
     Monday, come hell or high water, I will lug up one of those totes and dump it on the dining room table.  Jackie and I will go through the pictures and decide if we even know the people, if we are keeping them, and where we are putting them.
     I don't think scanning them is an option at this point, but it may become one.
    Meanwhile, the temps outside will be in the 90s...with fairly high humidity...and my bike riding will be reduced to a couple of laps around the block after 7 p.m.
     That is, if I have not had a mojito or two to impair my balance.  Or a glass or two of rosé. 
     Honestly, I do not drink that much.  Maybe two or three drinks a week, which I don't think is a lot.
     I just have a feeling I will need alcohol to get though the totes.
     Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Wear a mask.
Peace and Love

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