Friday, July 17, 2020

day....damn it....121

I missed a deadline today

     I do a column for the local paper.  It runs in the weekend edition, which comes out Saturday.
     I write the column on Wednesday, let it sit until Thursday, then reread and change as needed.  I send it Friday morning.
     I sat down Wednesday night and wrote the first paragraph.  Then I don't know what happened.
     Last night I was sitting at the computer at 9 thinking I had forgotten something.
     Today I woke up, picked beans, watered plants, filled bird feeders, had breakfast and went shopping.
     At about 6 tonight, I said to Jackie that I had a column to finish.  She said, "You know it's Friday."  I did not.
     I never finished the column, never sent it.  I missed my deadline.
     I know I went out a couple of nights to look for the comet, which I can not see for the life of me.  I have been up at 4 a.m. with no luck and out at 9 p.m. with about a zillion mosquitoes swirling and biting.  Lots of fireflies...but no comet.
     I ordered out tonight and gave the girl  my last name.  I picked up the order and the young girl looked at me and asked me what my last name was.  I told her.  She asked my how to spell it.  I told her.  She laughed.
     Who ever took my order wrote it was for Dick Hole.
     I guess I better start using Johnson.
     Stay healthy  Stay safe.  Wear a mask.
Peace and Love

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