Thursday, July 30, 2020

day...... huh......139

I learned an amazing thing today

     Actually, I learned a couple of things, and they were not really amazing..
     First, this blog has 189,000 views over the 116 years I have been doing it.      That's a lot of reading about my mundane life.
     Second, people from all over the world visit the blog site.
     Now, I think it is mostly on accident.  The US and Switzerland I can understand, because Julia reads it.
     But his week a country that has never appeared in my list of where people are popped up.  Seychelles!   I will Google it later, but I believe this is an island chain off the coast of Africa that is in danger of being inundated by the ocean due to climate change.  Or not.
     Or maybe it is part of a tongue twister:  She sells sea shells in the Seychelles.
     Which reminds me of another tv commercial I hate.
     Guy is on a date and his shirt is no longer a round neck, bu a drooping neck.  A fabric softener might help.  The commercial calls it a U neck.  I wondered if it was unique to wear a u neck.  Then I wondered about a unique u neck wearing eunuch.  My mind then wandered to him playing a card game, a unique u neck wearing eunuch playing euchre.
     Then I realized, I said this several weeks ago  and am now just repeating myself.
     Anyway, other nations that showed up this week were Argentina and Portugal with 6, Austria, Germany, Italy, and the UK...all with 1.
     Sure wish I knew who the people were and why thy hit my page.
     I better quit before I start repeating myself.
     But I sure wish I knew who the people were and whey they hit my page.
     Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Mask it or casket.
Peace and Love

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