Friday, July 10, 2020


I passed a test today

     At least I was told I passed, but a cardiologist has to certify the results.
     I took a nuclear stress test this morning at the local hospital.
     This test involved several parts I don't like:  getting up early, injections, walking on a treadmill.
     First I got an IV port in my arm, then a nuclear tracer dye was injected.  I rested, then had a series of pictures taken of my heart at rest.
     Next I went on a treadmill.  I had a target heart rate of 126, which I reached at the 8 minute mark.  The nurses were impressed, considereing my physique and obvious lack of physical exercise.
     Then there was another injection and more pictures.
     At the end, the nuclear med tech said my heart was, "textbook."
     I asked for clarification:  textbook good or textbook bad.
     She said good.
     She was very nice.  And when she poked the IV port in, it only hurt a tiny bit.       She asked if my doctor was the guy who bikes.  I said he was, because we always talk about riding and my need to do more during our yearly visits.
     She said she wanted to meet him because she likes to ride too.  I told her I had not ridden much this summer, for various reasons.
     Then she impressed me.
    She rides 20-30 miles a day.  A day!  She said she averages 120-150 miles a week.
     Yes, she is 40 years younger than me, but even when I was that age, I never rode that much.
     She said she likes to ride.
     She inspired me so much, I got home today and thought about riding.
     I had taken the test, gone nome, then took a friend to DeKalb for a car, went shopping, came home agin, went for dinner and mower gas, ate, then mowed.
     I am now 5 days behind on my 30 day French challenge, and I don't hink I will do much tonight.  Make that any.
     I don't know where my time goes.  I have not played spider solitaire for longer than 10 minutes total the last two days.
     Tomorrow, I hope to get up early and weed a garden plot.
     Then I will work on my challenge and hopefully get in a bike ride tomorrow night.  Hoplefully.  At least, I will think about it.
     Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Wear a mask.
Peace and Love

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