Monday, July 13, 2020


My new porch chair does seem comfortable

     I was a little worried about that.  But today I went out about 1:30 to read a little.  At 4 Jackie called me.  I had read one chapter.....about 8 pages. 
     I am guessing I had about a 2 hour the chair is comfortable.
     Right after I woke up,  our friend Curt stopped by with some zucchini.  We had a nice visit...I do miss people afterfall.
     Spent time weeding and picking Italian beans in the morning, which we now have to blanch and freeze, hopefully tomorrow.  Italian beans are a lot like lima beans, I think.      But I love the taste and the plants are prodigious producers.
     Emily and John came over for dinner because someone had a birthday today. We had a nice time talking and eating.
     Today was a 9. on a scale of 1-10.   It would be a day I would like to live over...Molly O'Keefe, take note.
     Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Wear a mask
Peace and Love

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