Saturday, July 11, 2020


I am sort of a baby sitter this week

     Not kids, who have a tendency to wander off.
     Not dogs, who have a tendency to wander off.
     Not a cat, who has a tendency to wander off.
     OK, true cat sitting story.
     Years ago, a friend asked us to watch her cat for a week.  She said it would be easy, just pop into her apartment every couple of days and make sure there was food in the feeder and water in the container.  If we needed to, we would have to clean the litter box.
     Nice cat.  Named Trey.  Only had 3 legs.  It was missing a front leg.
     We went the first time, made sure there was food, played with him, filled the waterer with fresh water, and left.
     Two days later we go back.......shit everywhere!
     Not only was it on the floors, but Trey had walked in it and jumped up on the counters, were there were brown footprints.  He must have had cat diarrhea.
     Trey's litterbox was in the pantry/closet and it seems one of us, who can't seem to live with any open doors, closed the door when we left.  Trey had no place to go except the floor.
     How the hell he walked in it then tracked it up on to the counter with only 3 legs, I will never know.
     I don't believe we ever told Trey's owner......some things are better left unsaid.
     Suffice it to say, the pantry door stayed open on our next two visits. animal of any form is being baby sat by me.
     Plants.  Potted plants.
     A friend is on a trip and asked if I could water plants, and we felt it would be easier for them to be on my porch.
     I am fine with it...I know I won't lose them or have them wander off.
     All I have to do is water them
     Should be the cat's whiskers, eh?
     Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Wear a mask
Peace and Love

pale purple coneflower in the native plot

black eyed susans in the native plot

Like a tropical paradise!!

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