Wednesday, July 8, 2020


What happened to this week?

     Tomorrow is Thursday?  Already?  I have to put out the recycling. 
     I thought it was yesterday I went through a tub of pictures.  That was Monday.  The goal was a couple of tubs a week.
     And I signed up for a 30 day French course.  I have missed the last two days.
I know, why does he want to learn French.  Not a question, but said in puzzlement.
     Someday I will go back and I will have a conversation in French with a real French person.
     I have tried.  I have given it the old college try, as they say, and never seem to have a conversation.
     For one thing, I don't always have an ear for sounds.  Maybe the hearing aids will help, I don't know.
     But mostly, the language is too darn fast (tro vite?) for me.  I can't hear, translate, comprehend at a fast enough rate.
     Tomorrow I will try to pick up the pace a little.  I don't want to get too far behind.  I noticed some of the people have a zoom session a couple of times a week to practice.  But I keep thinking I might not be up to their level.
     I just can't believe I have lost this my age, time is something you don't want to lose.
     Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Wear a mask.
Peace and Love

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