Thursday, July 2, 2020 dog!.....108

We had a taste for hot dogs tonight

     I have 3 favorite hot dogs The ones they pass out on Hot Dog Day in Rochelle, for one.  And no, not because they are free, but because they have a great taste and a wonderful, snappy casing.   Then there is a hot dog I only had once at the Big O, the Original, in Pittsburgh.  Again, the casing was crunchy and the dog tasty.
     Around here, we love Vienna Beef hot dogs.  In fact, that is usually the only brand we buy.
     So, I was headed to DeKalb for pop and other goodies.  I figured I would pick up some  Vienna Beef dogs, Rosen's poppy seed buns, and green relish.
     Was at Schnucks first.  Everyone was wearing a mask, but no green relish.
So I did not even look for dogs.
     Went to Hyvee.  Everyone was wearing a mask.  No Vienna Beef dogs, so I did not look for anything else.
     I realized these are not really Chicago area stores.  But Jewel is.
     So I stopped at Jewel and hot hot dogs, buns, and relish....all on sale.  Plus, everyone had on a mask.  Walking in the store, I had forgotten how much I like Jewel. 
     Stopped at Starbucks.....they were in masks.  Stopped at Dairy Queen....they were in masks and politely reminded me to put on my mask as I placed my order, because they will nto serve you at the window if you are maskless.  Kudos to them.
     Made a salad, mixed a mojito, grilled some was a fine meal!
    Friend John called and we got talking about birthdays.  I mentioned Ringo will be 80 sometime this month and Ricky Nelson, teen idol and singer, turned 80 a couple of weeks ago.
     There was a silence...Then John said, "He's dead."
      I swear I heard his kids say they were putting together a program for his 80th birthday and people should  tune in and maybe even send cards.
     Ricky died in 1985.
     I guess I don't keep up on current events.
     What ever happened to Elvis?
     Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Wear a mask.
Peace and Love

Summer means it's time for some rosé.  And yes, I bought two of them because of the bottles!

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