Wednesday, July 15, 2020


Let's talk about cleaning

     We have a cleaning person who comes every other week.  On weeks she does not come, I clean.
     She is here about 4 hours and cleans three bathrooms, our bedroom, great room, nook, hallways.....all but Julia's bedroom, which is seldom used, and  the den, which is a mess.  Our perpetual mess.
     I started our bedroom at 1:45.......and finished about 4.  That includes the bathroom.  But seriously....over 2 hours?
     I do get interrupted.  Dog has to go out, Jackie has to move, I get thirsty, phone rings, mail has to go out...but still.  I just don't get it.  Why does it take me so long?
     Needless to say, the rest of the house was not cleaned.  And by cleaned, I mean furniture dusted, floors vacuumed, rug vacuumed.  It is not heavy work, or a lot of work.  It just takes me forever and it shouldn't.
     I admit I have a problem focusing.  I can start out doing one thing, and 20 minutes later I have started three other projects and not finished any of them.  I then go back to the first, and finish that, then work on finishing the other 3...unless I get distracted.
     My methods complicate my life. part of the house is clean.  For now.  The rest will eventually get done.
     Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Wear a mask.
Peace and Love

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