Sunday, July 12, 2020


One day just blends in with the others

     Woke up.  Got out of bed.  Dragged a comb across my head. Found my way downstairs and ...... wait a minute!  That's the Beatles!
     I had a pretty routine day.....did a little gardening, worked on my French, read.  Much of the day was routine.
     I had salmon for supper.  I have two gas containers for my grill, so I never run out.  Until I get ready to cook my supper at 6:15 and discover both containers are empty.
     All's well that ends well.  Salmon was extra good tonight, don't know if it was the great outside temperature or the mojito I mixed.  The outside temperature is important in fish prep and eating at our house.  Jackie can't stand the smell of fish.  So I  cook and eat fish outside.
     Yes, I am a good husband.
     Working in the garden was not bad.  I only work for one hour at a time, and today was no different.  Despite the cooler temps, I was sweating like a pig. 
     Hopefully tomorrow I can get up early and weed in the shade instead of in the full sun, like today.  And yesterday.  Yesterday. All my troubles seemed so far away.  Now it looks as if they're here to stay.
     Damn...I better play some music.
     Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Wear a mask.
     Peace and Love.....Love love me do, I'll always love you........there I go again.
Peace and Love....again.

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