Saturday, July 18, 2020

day.....same old......122

I am really at sea

     I am using the old definition of at sea, meaning confused, addled.
     I said to Jackie that we had a doctor appointment coming Monday.  She said we did not, the appointment was July 27.  I said, yes, Monday.  She pointed out Monday was July 20.
     What happened?  Emily's birthday was last Monday, and she and John came to dinner.  I thought it was over a week ago.  I can't believe they were here Monday....which means I had fish Tuesday.  It seems like a long time ago.
     I lost track of the days this week. 
     Missed a deadline.  Wrong on a doctor's appointment.
     Like I said, at sea.
     Could be the heat....but it was not hot earlier in the week.  Or was it? 
At sea.
     I barely left the house today.  Just got the mail and watered my patio plants.  I figured the porch plants were heavily watered the day before...maybe too heavily watered.
    At some point this week, I don't remember when, I had a visitor to my little fountain.
     It's not a great picture, but you get the idea.
     Stay cool.  Stay healthy.  Stay safe.
Peace a nd Love

Birds have found my porch fountain and are enjoying the water

No comets in this photo....just clouds and contrails

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