Thursday, July 16, 2020 sigh.....120

Sky phenomena and me don't mix

     Comet Neowise is visible about one hour after sunset.  Looking in the northwest sky, about three fists below the Big Dipper, you should be able to see it using binoculars or a telescope.
     So I went out at 9 tonight.  Sunset was 8:18.  Set up a chair in the driveway and watched the sky.
     Saw fireflies.
 Sparkling lights dot the sky
glowing  high, glowing low, mini shining stars
fireflies, lightning  bugs, nature's joy

     But no comet.
     Had a few nibbles from mosquitoes

Damn little bugs, you bite
injecting venom in my bare arms, neck
making me itch, damn bugs

     But no comet.
     Maybe tomorrow.
     I hope I sleep tonight.
     I did a dumb thing today.  Starbucks has happy one drink, get one free.  So I got a medium caramel crunch and a medium iced vanilla Americano.
I should have gotten the small....but I can never remember the right name.
     Or I could have gotten half cafs.....just did not think of it.
     Next time, I will.
     I did do some shopping  and a short  bike ride...only 5 miles, but it felt good.       I have not ridden in a week.
     And probably won't for the next few days.
     Stay cool.  Stay healthy.  Wear a mask.
Peace and Love

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