Thursday, July 9, 2020


I am losing it.

     Today was Thursday.  What happened to Wednesday?  And Tuesday?
Holy crap.
     I went swimming today at a friends.  Inground pool.  Nice.  Got cooled off, relaxed, talked with another human being.  It was a pleasure. 
     When I got home I put together my new chair.
     I followed the directions....almost.
     Key direction:  don't tighten screws until fully assembled.  The last piece, a cross bar, would not go in because I had tightened all the screws, so I had to loosen them all and put the cross bar in, then retighten eveery thing.
     I wanted a chair I could stretch out in....not sure if this is the one.
     When I was a kid, my folks had a chaise lounge on our porch in  Chicago.  It was iron and had springs across the bottom, plus a thick pad that was like a mattress.  I could lay down on it and sleep....and I did that a couple of times at night when it was hot.
     I should have salvaged it whm my mom moved.
     Anyway, here are some pictues to entertain you.
     Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Wear a mask.
Peace and Love

Lately I have been enjoying mojitos....reminds me of my trip to Cuba!

How I celebrated the Fourth...sparklers and a full moon.

I need to find out what these chunks are...Corki will eat all her food, but these parts she takes out and leaves on the floor, under the table, in the bowl.  She eventually eats most of them but it is just weird.

Found this in the closet.  Julia left in 2002.  I tosed it.  By the way, the picture is from New Glarus!

My new's sort of a recliner

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