Monday, July 20, 2020


I tend to procrastinate

     Last July we went to Switzerland to visit Julia.
     We left July 29 and returned Aug. 9.
     We flew a major airline, which is a member of the Star Alliance group.  That means we get mileage points for travel.
     Last fall I went to check my account and discovered I was given miles for Zurich-Geneva, Geneva-Zurich, and Zurich-Chicago.  But no miles for the Chicago to Zurich connection.
     I went to check Jackie's, but could not log in....the message was:  account not found.
     This was last fall.
     Last fall I ran off copies of the tickets, all the information and the number to call for the airlines to ask about credit.
     I never called.
     However, I did call today.
     The very nice lady looked up my ticket, gave me credit for the miles, and asked if there was anything else.
     I told her about Jackie's account.  For some reason, it was locked.  She sent me a link to change her password so I could access it.  I got the link, and followed the instructions......but.  And here's a big but........I did not log out of my account first.
     In effect, I changed my password to my account while not changing Jackie's.
The lady was very patient.  She walked me step by step  (inch by inch) through the procedure of closing my account, getting a second e-mail on how to reset a password, made sure I was on the right page, and updated Jackie's mileage totals to reflect the trip.
     She spent probably 25 minutes with me, making sure I was good to go.
     Then at the end she said, "I just want to remind you that any credit for missing miles must be made within a year of the flight date."  I told her that's why I was calling is almost a year.
     And maybe it's time for me to make my photo book of the trip. 
     Four weeks ago Emily and John said something was not right with my computer because it runs so sloooow.  So tomorrow, Apple help.
     Heaven's knows they better be patient people too.
     Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Wear a mask.  Do it today.
Peace and Love

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