Saturday, July 25, 2020


I admit it, I was bored today

     Busy, but bored.
     I did 3 loads of laundry, we blanched and froze 18 ears of corn, I went to the store for supper and I almost fell asleep during the Cubs game.
     I just can't get used to crowd noise without the crowd.  And at some points they put in computer graphic generated fans in the stands, which was pretty neat but at the same time weird looking.  At times, the first 20 rows were empty, but the stands were full behind those empty rows.
     My eyes closed a couple of times during the game...which the Cubs lost, so I did not miss much.
     It was too hot for me, although I did see a pack of bicyclists going down Skare Road.  Well, at least 4....which could be a pack.   They all looked young, thin, and had on the spandex outfits bike racers wear.
     I actually have a pair of spandex biking shorts.  I put them on once and Julia and Jackie forbid me to leave the house.  I think Julia was temporarily blinded.
     Although it is hot, we don't have a hurricane bearing down on us or an earthquake waiting to happen. 
     So, I guess life is pretty good.
     Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Mask it or casket.
Peace and Love

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