Tuesday, June 30, 2020


I love my Sirius radio...until I don't

     I want to discontinue my service on one car.
     The Sirius website is designed to discourage people from doing that.  There is no easy way.
     You have to call.  When I called, I learned the call center is open from 8-8 EST, which means I missed them.
     You would think you could cancel on line....but nooooooo!  That would be too easy.
     When I talk to a rep, they will offer me several packages to keep me.  I don't want them.
     It will be a long conversation, I am sure, considering there will be a wait time before anyone answers my call.
     Sometimes life  is just too damn frustrating.  I ordered a battery for Corki's invisible fence and it was supposed to be here two weeks ago.  Every time I check the tracking number, it gives me a different day. 
     It's a battery, for dang sake.  It should not take a month.
     And then there's the chair.  I ordered a chair for the front porch, had second thoughts, and went to cancel the order but it was too late...it's already being processed.  I will have the option of returning it, but I will just probably keep it and use it as a reminder of being a better, more careful, shopper.
     Speaking of shopping...... how are you all doing?
     Do you run into stores that just don't seem to care if you are wearing a mask or not?
     I have...and I won't go back to them.
     These are places  that require masks, or where employees  have had on masks when I have gone there....that does not mean they will be wearing them if you go there.  Feel free to add places you feel are safe to shop.
Alfano's, Flight Deck, Walmart, Hyvee, Art Box in DeKalb, Hardee's, McDonald's, Aldi's
     At some other places employees have put them on when I requested it, but I should not have to request it.
     If you have had a positive mask shopping experience, let me know!
     As I run into more places, I will share.
     The thing is.....at the bigger stores, you may be required to wear one to get in, but no one is policing you and some people take them off when inside the store.        Humans can be a perplexing species.
     Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Wear a mask
Peace and love

Monday, June 29, 2020


Rain was predicted for our area today

     Torrential rain.  Downpours.  Flooding.  Record amounts.  More rain than has ever been recorded in the history of meteorology.
     We got nothing.
     It was hot.  It was humid.  But the rain never came.
A friend ust 6 miles west of us had quarter sized hail.  People north of us had downpours and flash flooding.
     But as has happened a lot his year, rain seems to go around us.  North.  South.  West.  East.  All could be stormy and rainy.  Not us.
     I am not complaining, just making an observation.
     That means tomorrow I have to water my vegetable garden because it has been a few days since it rained. 
     My peas are done and a disappointment.  Only one gallon bag frozen.  I think I planted them too late.
     Beans are looking good.....so are carrots.  Hopefully I will get some tomatoes this year.
     At least the lawn is not growing very fast. 
     I did go to the store today and got yelled at because I am supposed to limit my trips and my exposure.
     What was frustrating is the simple things not on the shelves. 
     But even more frustrating were the shoppers without masks.  They had them dangling around their necks, which is useless.
     I know I am preaching to the choir on this, but masks are important to protect people like me.....overe 70, past health issues, a spouse with a compromised immune system.
     Give us a break, please.
     That's all I'm gonna say about that..
     Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Wear a mask.
Peace and Love

Sunday, June 28, 2020

day.....so close.....104

I tried a new recipe tonight

     If life had gone as planned, I would not be sitting in Rochelle writing this right now.
     I would be in London, anxiously awaiting our flight home.
     I would have spent some time with Julia, along with two of my US friends, enjoying Switzerland.
     It was  not to be this year.
     One of the foods I enjoy when I am at Julia's is filet de perche au  buerre........  at least I think that is the correct French title.  It's perch in butter.  I have eaten it several times each trip, and I love it.
     I was missing it.
     Emily bought some perch filets and I found a recipe on line called filet de perche Meuniere....a specialty of Lac Leman
     Leman is the French name for Lake Geneva.  Exactly what I want.
So I made it tonight.

     I followed the recipe as closely as I could.
     The problem I had is it is fish.  Jackie hates the smell of fish.
     So instead of cooking it in the house, I cooked it in a pan on the grill.
     The recipe says saute the fish for a couple of minutes on each side, then put on a warming tray.
     It's hard to saute on a grill.  So I let them cook....for about 15 minutes, then I flipped them over for another 15 minutes. 
     I don't think they were completely cooked, because they were not flaky.
     It looked good, but it was below what I wanted.
     I don't think the lack of mountains and a huge lake was a factor, but it could have been.
     I would grade it a C-.
     Next time, I'll cook it in the house.
     Had a nice visit with  Sheri this afternoon.  We chatted, safely distanced in the house, and two of us had a glass of white....which I had chilled to use in the fish recipe.
     Also got to Skype with Julia and take the dog for a walk.
     All in all, it was a pretty good day.
     Wish they were all that way.
     Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Wear a mask.
Peace and Love

Someone got creative along the bike path in town.

Saturday, June 27, 2020


This was a pretty blah day

     Zoom meeting for church, trip to pick up prescriptions, a short nap, a mojito, and watching  Columbo on tv.
     I realize we watch a lot of old shows, which are shows for older people.  Ads seem to revolve around suing for cancers caused by Roundup and Zantac, affordable portable oxygen devices, and Medicare coverage.
     And I forgot Queen from my list yesterday.  Darci, how couod  I forget Bohemian Rhapsody?
     Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Wear a mask
Peace and Love

Friday, June 26, 2020

day....how many?......102

I have ignored a challenge....on purpose

     About 5 weeks ago, a friend challenged me to show my 15 favorite albums on Facebook.  Just a picture, no explanation.
     I thought it would be easy.
     Here's how it went:
     Well, I can't name all Beatles albums, so I would go with Meet the Beatles, Rubber Soul, Sgt. Pepper and the White Album.  11 to go.
     I also am a Stones fan, and Aftermath is a great album from their early days. 10 to go.
     I think I was a senior in high school when I heard this really weird white Levi's commercial.  I called WLS and asked if they knew the group.  They did not.  I called WJJD and they did....a West Coast group called Jefferson Airplane and they just released their first album.   I went out that day to buy it.  I fell in love with Grace Slick and Surrealistic Pillow.  I still love it.  9 to go.
     How could I ignore Bob Dylan and his self titled album followed by Freewheeling.  My dad would come into the living room when Dylan was on and growl, "What the hell is that crap?"  I was probably a freshman in high school, and Dylan resulted in me taking guitar lessons.  But I discovered you need to practice to play.   I didn't.  7 to go.
     Where was Dylan without folk poppers Simon and Garfunkel with Monday Morning 3 a.m. and Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, and Thyme?  5 to go.
Mommas and Poppas....California Dreaming.  4 to go.
     Chicago Transit Authority, now called simply Chicago.  Saturday in the Park, Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is?   From their self titled first album, I believe.  I borrowed it from a friend and never returned it.  3 to go.
     I used to work at a National Tea food store.  Got the job when I was 16.  Tuesday night was stock night, and we worked late.  First night I was given a hand truck and a load of soup.  My boss, Nick, asked if I had ever used a hand truck.  I smirked and said of course.  Seconds later Nick and Willy were laughing their asses off as they freed me from the pile of soup that toppled over onto me because I really had no idea how to use one.  I still have the scar. 
     When I got home, I would listen to Franklin McCormack.  He did a schmaltzy overnight show and combined music, poetry, philosophy, which I enjoyed while eating a late supper.
     He also played Sinatra.  So a greatest hits from Old Blue Eyes has to be on the list, especially one with It's Quarter to Three.  2 to go.
     Easy.  Greatest Hits of Chuck Berry.  (Dan and I saw him live in St. Louis when Chuck was maybe 85...still put on a great show!)  And Buddy Holly and the Crickets.  And Elvis.
     But what about Pink Floyd and Dark Side of the Moon?
     And the Kingston Trio's At Large still sticks with me, especially Charley and The MTA, Tom Dooley, and They Call the Wind Mariah.
     Or Soundtracks!   Oklahoma, Sound of Music.  South Pacific.
     Now I'm at plus 8.
     Spoken albums.  Bob Newhart and his Buttoned Down Mind.  Bill Cosby and Why is There Air?  (Yes, it is funny, despite what he did later in life.)  Anything by Stan Freeberg, but especially History of the United States which I only heard once and never owned.
     Classics?  Gotta have them!  The 1812 Overture with real cannons that made the house shake when I turned up the volume.  Or Yo Yo Ma and his cello on Silk Road.  And I go to sleep with Coyote Oldman and his Native American flute.
     OMG!  Jimmy Buffet and Margaritaville!   Or Changes in Latitues.   Laura Nyro and  Christmas and the Beads of Sweat.  Judy Collins and Wildflowers.  Harry Chapin!  (Had two of his albums and saw him in person at the Cornado Theater in Rockford doing a benefit for John B. Anderson whenJ John ran for president.  (An amazing storyteller. ...Haryy, nto John B.)   Tea for the Tillerman from Cat Stevens, who changed his name when he comverted to Islam and suddenly radio stations started burning his records.  The Monkees. 
     I get so exhausted mentally trying to narrow it down to 15.
     But I enjoy the process.  And the challenge.  And the voyage down memory lane.
     So, thanks for the challenge....but my poor overloaded mind just can't handle making a decision.
     Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Wear a mask.
Peace and Love

Thursday, June 25, 2020

day......how'd I do that?...... 101

I called myself twice today!

     The house phone rang...and caller ID said Terry Dickow, and gave our home phone number.
     Being a curious idiot, I answered.
     And I am glad I did.
     My Microsoft license expires at midnight tonight!  If I don't renew immediately, they will suspend my Microsoft license and I won't be able to use my computer!
     So, if you never hear from me again, that is what happened.
     The second time I called myself, I did not answer. 
     I also didn't answer when the U.S  Census Bureau called.  They left a message and gave me a case number with instructions to call back at my earliest convenience.
     Scam?  Or did I do something wrong on the census form?
     At some point I will check the number to see if it is legit.....then I will call.
     So many scams, so little time.
    We watch Friends on Nick at Night. 
     There is a commercial that creeps me out....music and graphics.  It's for something called Troillis, I think.  I get so freaked out, I leave the room.
     While I am on my soapbox, the gecko doing insurance commercials and having outtakes is not funny.  Cricket cartoon characters are stupid.  There is never an overflowing 20 piece tub of chicken. 
     I watch too much tv.
     Except tonight....none, yet,,except one Fraiser.   Busy doing this, my column for trhe paper, playing solitaire, reading the Trib.
     I am tired....rode my bike and then deadheaded zing roses.  My legs are a bit sore from the deadheading.
     Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Wear a mask.
Peace and Love

Wednesday, June 24, 2020


Time just seems to be flying past

     Have we really been dealing with this crap for 7 months?  Oh wait, less than four.  My mistake.
     What gets me most is the inability to go places.  Stores.  Restaurants.  Theaters.  Cub games. Lodon. Switzerland.
      I also miss friends.  To be honest, we do not do a lot socially.  But we have gone from not doing a lot to doing almost nothing.  I miss going out to eat  with people.  I miss visiting with people.  I miss sharing wine with people.
     But there are worse things.  We have our health.  We have food, shelter, and the ability to buy the things we need.  Our families are healthy.
     A lot of people are struggling .....and I have to remember that.  Food pantries are extra busy.  People have lost jobs.  People have lost family members.  Racism is widespread.  The country is tense.
     If I had a crystal vball I would be either overly optimistic or building a bunker.
     I know my 100 days may not match up to yours, or an "official" tally of how long we have been stuck at home.   Different perspectives and localities will bring different numbers.
     My hope is you all stay healthy and in some short time in the future, we can all gather together and once again break bread or uncork a fine red.
     Until then...stay healthy stay safe, stay masked.
Peace and Love

Tuesday, June 23, 2020


Sometimes I just get confused

     I received a special invitation to a dinner next week in Rockford.
     It is sponsored by attorneys who will talk about the differences between a last will and a living will as well as estate planning issues.
     So, in the middle of a pandemic, theses folks are scheduling dinners for an audience that I presume is my age.  And they are going to talk about estate planning! 
     Nothing like setting up your audience.
     I  am not going, by the way, despite the offer of free food.
     Speaking of food, I may have a small problem.
     Had some salmon Sunday, Father's Day.  Cooked a large chunk and ate half then and the other half tonight.
     I had some, shall we say.....stomach discomfort after ingesting supper both nights.
     That has never happened to me before with salmon.
     So why did I have it a second time?  Because I thought I ate so much stuff Sunday, and had a pretty stiff drink, that that was the problem.  Maybe not.
     I just hope it is not a new "thing" for me.
     Finally, we went to a send off tonight for two long time Rochelle residents.  A vehicle parade past their house ended with a horse drawn carriage arriving to take them on a ride around town.
     It was pretty cool. 
     We'll be sad to see them go, because they are "good people."  But life will be easier for them as they are moving closer to one of their children.
     That's it. 
     Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Stay masked.
Peace and Love

Monday, June 22, 2020


Today was a day of miscalculations

     Jackie had an appointment with a urologist in Sycamore. 
     We left the house in plenty of time, and got there 5 minutes before  the appointment.
     I was not approved to go with here to the doctor, so I left her with the staff and drove 2 minutes to the grocery store to get lettuce.
     I am in the store and she calls and says, "You can come back now."
     I asked if they changed their minds and approved me.
     "Just come back and get me.  My appointment is tomorrow."
     I wrote the wrong date on the calendar.  I also realized she had an eye doctor's appointment tomorrow....so, did we flip the appointments?
     She called and no, eye doc at the same time.  So she cancelled the eye appointment.
     Let me stress....I wrote the dates on the calendar.
     Me...the guy who constantly reverses things messed up, again.
     I found a simple recipe for chicken breast with cheese and ham inside, or cordon bleu as the French may say.
     Watched the video.  Put the strips down, use a rolling pin to flatten them, put in ham, cheese, roll them up, tuck in the ends, dip them in flour, then egg, then breadcrumbs, put in oven, bake for 20 minutes at 190.
     I could not roll out the breasts, (and yes, that is a problem from my youth) so I used a meat pounder on them.  Suckers shredded.
     I cobbled them into strips, put the ham and cheese, did the dips and stuck them in the oven.
     30 minutes later, took them out and we bit into them........eeeewww!
     Chicken needs to cook longer than 20 minutes at 190 degrees.  I looked at other recipes and they were all minimum 30 minutes at 350 to 400 degrees.
So....back in the oven they went.
     By the time they were done a second time, Jackie has lost her appetite for chicken.
     Meanwhile, I mixed a mojito to enjoy on a summer night.  I still have rum from my Cuban trip in 2016, and the kids bought me run when they went to Key West a few months ago.  I figured I should enjoy the rum.
     I mixed a mojito yesterday, and to be honest, I could not walk a straight line when I was done.
     I eased up on the run a little on this one, and my balance is much better.
     I had forgotten how much I enjoy them on summer nights.
     Stay healthy.  Stay masked.  Stay safe.
Peace and Love

Ps....forgive my spelling.. My balance is ok, but my thought process is not.

Sunday, June 21, 2020


I hope everyone had a great Father's Day

     Mine was pretty darn awesome!  We talked to Julia this morning and this afternoon Emily, John and Camryn came over for a barbie. 
     And they brought gifts!
     I got a really neat shirt, two books, and a new bird bath.
     My old bird bath had a crack in it and did not hold water very well.  This one is bigger, shallower, and concrete, so it should  not crack.  They  said I could even leave it out all winter, without the water, of course.
     I do have two bases for the clay type bird baths, if anyone wants one let me know.  I just don't have good luck with tops.
     I have been reading some books by a man named Christopher Moore....who does some truly bizarre novels.  Now I have two of his newest ones to while away the hours on the front porch this summer.
     The shirt is neat because it has a French motif.....and you know I love France.
     Supper was pretty simple..some steaks and a salad.  I also cooked a piece of salmon......now we have leftovers for two nights this week!
      The only downside was someone forgot to turn off the third burner on the grill....hope I have some propane left. 
     I hope everyone had a great day.
     Stay healthy .  Stay masked.  Stay safe.
Peace and Love

Saturday, June 20, 2020


I can't remember stuff

     That's putting it politely.
     There was an online Jimmy Buffet concert tonight.  I planned all week to "attend."   We won't see him this year, so I thought this would be a good opportunity  to just listen to music and visit virtually with friends.
     Never happened.
     Completely forgot.
     I should have writen a note.  Or posted a memo on the computer.  I honestly figured that something I wanted to do would just stick in my head.
     I have plenty of paper for notes.
     Now, some people may say I am cheap.  Or a hoarder.  I think I am working hard to save the environment.
     Old notebooks, for example.
     If there are blank pages in them, I save  them for interviews, story ideas, lists, etc.
      I found a notebook that I showed to Jackie.  On the back, in  beautiful cursive, was the name Jeane Marie Dickow.
     Jackie was puzzled.
     She had forgotten that Emily took French and they had to use a French origin name in class. She picked Jeane Marie.
     In high school.  Sophomore year, I believe.
     High school.
     So....hoarder?  Environmentalist?  Cheap skate?
     Hard to tell.
     Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Stay masked.
Peace and Love

Friday, June 19, 2020


Sometimes I just don't understand

     As we usually do on Friday and Saturday nights, we ordered out.
     I went in to pick up the food and there was a sign on the door that said:  Masks are required to enter this business.
     I thought that was great.
     I go in, and two of the three people working there do not have masks.  I asked one person, who was pouring drinks behind the bar, where his mask was.  He told me he did not have to wear a mask unless he was within 6 feet of other people, and he wasn't.
     Then the maskless server handed him a drink order and he proceeded to pour.
     Now call me crazy, but if this person is infected and is exhaling on peoples' drinks, won't they get infected too?
     I realize the masks are uncomfortable to wear.  And sometimes I start to go into a placeand realize I forgot one...as happened today.  In that case, I do maintain a social distance. 
     But I also keep reading that one way to prevent the spread of Covid 19 is to wear a mask.  I would think food servers and bar tenders would be expected to wear a mask.
     Now I have to find another place for food.
     I have some strange tastes.  Illinois peaches.  (Missouri and Michigan are fine too, but I love Illinois peaches.) Local strawberries.  Wisconsin or Michigan cherries.
     That's why I was on the road today....going to a small town north of Sycamore for Michigan grown strawberries. 
     This place if 45 minutes from my house, out in the middle of nowhere, and I was the second person from Rochelle to buy berries today!  I wish I knew who the other person was, I would have gladly brought them some.....they were described by the owner as a sweet little old lady who did not realize how long a drive it was.
     I bought 4 containers.  Jackie and I pulled the stems out, cut them in half, layed them on cookie sheets and then put them in the freezer.   We did keep some out for dessert on Sunday.....I can't wait.
     I confess, I ate a few as I was cutting them.
     They were delicious.  They tasted like strawberries should.  And were well worth the drive.
     Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Stay masked.
Peace and Love

Thursday, June 18, 2020


I had mostly fun day tripping today

     I went to Oregon to renew my driver's licence, which expired May 11.  Due to Covid, it technically did not expire as extensions were given.
     I decided to visit the Village Bakery for some iced coffee and cookies.  For those who don't know, the Village Bakery is a little shop in Oregon operated by the Village of Progress, a facility that caters to people with disabilities.  The people from the village work alongside nondisabled folks to run a bakery and cafe.  The food is always good.
     Armed with coffee and cookies, I wandered down to Castle Rock State Park and parked near the scenic Castle Rock overlook.  I sat by the water, sipping my coffee, munching a molasses cookie, and watching the water roll by.  To say it was peaceful would be an understatement.
     I climbed the rock too, (there are stairs, by the way) but there is no shade at the top so I only stayed a few minutes.  It was hot.
     I could take my time, relax, enjoy my surroundings because we have someone coming in to stay with Jackie a couple of days a week so I can do things. 
     I also rode my bike.....but I just ride around the block.  I did that in the evening when the temp was a little cooler.  Riding around the block, I am never more that a couple of minutes from home. 
     But my big trip of the day came this morning. 
     We had our windows washed yesterday and figured it was a good time to wash the curtains.
     I did the second batch today.  Washed them, dried them, and took them to lay flat on a bed so they would not wrinkle.
     As I was waking quickly to the blue bedroom, I stepped on one of the curtains.
     I instantly became Superman, flying through the air with my capes streaming out behind me.
     Unlike Superman, I did not land gracefully.  I wasn't sure what hurt most....the knee, elbow, shoulder or hip....of if anything was broken.  As I lay there on the floor, Jackie kept saying, "Do I need to call Emily and John?  Do I need to call...."   I said no.
     Corki immediately came over to see if I was alright, either that or she was sniffing to see if my dead carcass was edible. 
     10 hours later, I still hurt.  My knee is stiffening up, which makes me think riding the bike might not have been the wisest move, but maybe it was because it kept the leg moving.
     I don't think I hit my head....but I did have a pretty good headache.
     As Joe Maddon would say, I Meatloafed the trips today. 
     If you don't get the reference, let me know.
     Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Stay masked.
Peace and Love
     And pictures

The only  traffic I was watching

Anybody see a weird face with only one giant tooth?

Rock River looking north from overlook
Rock River looking south from overlook

A visitor while I was riding round the block

Wednesday, June 17, 2020


I spent some time in a park today

     Jackie got her hair cut and dyed, so instead of driving home, I took a book and sat  and waited in a little park in downtown Rochelle.
     Now, Page Park is not exactly an oasis in the busy city.  But it was  nice to sit in the shade and listen to the birds.
     The park is actually an empty lot between two buildings.  At some point the city put in benches, raised planters and a winding path.  Now part of it is being converted to an outdoor dining space for a new bistro, but three fourths of the park will still be there.
     The first 45 minutes were nice and quiet, then they started work on a street project...repaving a portion of the road.  It became noisy and smelly.
     Due to Covid, I could not wait in the salon.  I had brought a sling chair, but opted for the park.
     Tonight I finally put out my bird bath...but I notice the bowl is pretty cracked.       Not sure how long it will hold water.  I wonder if I can put silicone caulk on it, or if that will affect the birds.  I probably should just buy a new  bowl. 
     Supper was kind of interesting....reminded me of Pick Up Sticks from when I was younger.
     I ate too much....which is a pattern of mine.
     All the windows in the house got washed today.  I did not even break a sweat.  It only took me a couple of minutes to write out the check.
     They look  clean, I didn't have to do them, life is good.
     Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Stay masked.
Peace and Love

Petunias, petunias, petunias

All in all, you're just another brick in the wall

What is this bush/plant?

I missed the pot.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

day.....not again.....91

Our den is a gigantic mess

     I had a paper I needed to save because it was kind of important.  So I put it someplace safe.
     As Paul Harvey sort of said, "You know the rest of the story."
     Like so many people these days, (Linda, find the rings?) I cabn't find it.
     I looked in all the obvious places.  Drawers.  File folders.  I did not check my shoes.....
     Then I decided to empty out my desk drawers.  (SK, remember that nightmare?)
     Now I have several piles around the den.
     But the good news is...I have tossed out a lot of stuff I really don't need or that's outdated.  Like the 2009 letters to the FCC complaining about not having WGN.  Or the 2007 tax return information.  Plus several folders that have seen better days but I held onto for some strange reason.
     A lot of paper...but not the one for which I am looking. 
     Including about an inch of wide lined notebook paper I somehow figured 12 years ago I would be able to use for something.  And the 5 composition notebooks.  One has been used, I had notes for this year's Europe trip in that one, but we know how that worked out.
     So, tomorrow I will refile the stuff.  Then I will look through the shred box just in case I tossed it.
     By the time I find it, chances are I will have forgotten why I am looking for it in the first place.
     Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Stay masked.
Peace and Love

Monday, June 15, 2020


I experienced a lot of changes today

     I started the day with jeans and a gray Swiss shirt.  I mowed, went into town, came home and rode my bike.
     So I changed into my new bright orange shirt and my biking shorts.
    And I rode.
     I got home and changed in to regular shorts and cooked supper, ate, and finished mowing the lawn.
     Wanting to take Corki for a walk, I changed from my bright orange shirt into my jeans and Swiss shirt,  putting me in the same clothes I started the day with.
     Now I have a pile of semi dirty clothes.
     Plus my new bright orange shirt. 
     I bought that for when I ride on roads.  It stands out.  People will see it and hopefully me and not hit me with their cars.
     I wanted a lime green....but the local WM had S, M. L, 3 XL and 4 XLK, none of which would work for me.
      I know this is vitally interesting, isn't it?
     Funny thing about mowing, I have been doing that every 4 days or so.....usually I mow when the grass is too long and it looks like crap when I am done.
     But the new me says keep ahead of it.  I am trying.
     And I am trying to get to bed earlier also.  Last night I finally fell asleep about 1....and that is way too late for me.  I wake up cranky.  When I wake up.
     That's it....pretty mundane day.
     Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Stay masked.
Peace and Love

Sunday, June 14, 2020


I sometimes get jealous

     At least I think that is the sentiment.
     A friend stopped over today and they said they went biking Friday.....37 miles.  And again Saturday.....34 miles.
     And I got jealous.
     I love riding my bike.  I love going on bike trails. But I have not done much riding this year.  in fact, my longest ride is a little over 10 miles.
     So I am a little envious.
     Two years ago I went biking with friends in the Netherlands.  We rode about 25 miles a day for six days.  I was fine.
     Last year I didn't ride as much.
     This year, hardly at all.
     So when my friend told me about their rides, I got a little jealous that I can't yet do that.  Part of it is Jackie's situation, but part of it is mine.  I'm 72.  I'm out of shape.  I'm overweight.
     Down deep inside, I think I am most jealous because I am no longer young.  I am no geezer (shut up, Beth) but I am no spring chicken either.
     And what is even sadder, is I'll never be as young as I am today.
     Someday this summer I will join my friend on a long ride.  I may not go as fast, but I will finish.
      It will just be hard getting here.
     Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Stay masked.
Peace and Love

Saturday, June 13, 2020


I think it is July 4 already

     Somebody in a nearby subdivision is putting on their own fireworks display.
     To be honest, I am always bothered around July 4.
     Too many people shooting off all sorts of stuff at all hours of the day.
     It's still two weeks to July 4, but some people have gotten an early start.
     I am turning into a grumpy old man.
     "Damn you kids, get off my grass!" is going to be the next statement I make.
     I have a list of things that tick me off.  Here are a few.
     People who can't figure out what to order at a fast food restaurant.
     People who wait until they get a total at checkout and THEN take out a checkbook and start writing a check.
     People who drive too slow.
     People who drive too fast.   Seriously, Rochelle police ticketed a suburban driver for doing 102 on the tollway.  102!  What the hell is wrong with people?
     People who disagree with me.
     People who drive 4 wheelers and ATVs on property that is not theirs.
     Tailgaters on the highway.
     Anyuone who doesn't use a turn signal.
     Loud cars, especially the person who drives past my house at 11 p.m. with a bass playing that shakes the windows.  Someday they will be deaf.
     Anyone who uses an outdoor  power tool before 9 a.m. on the weekend.
     Birds who crap on my patio chairs.
     Drunk drivers.
     Companies that sell cheap crap that falls apart as soon as you wear it.  Usually, those are found on Facebook.
     Anyone who doesn't like chocolate, or ice cream...although both those are dependent on the person's willingness to laugh at my jokes.
   Cardinal fans...unless they happen to be Bears fans, then I can overlook that flaw in their personalities.
     Feel free to share your tick me off things.
    Until you do, stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Stay masked.
Peace and Love

Friday, June 12, 2020


I got in a nice bike ride today

     I drove into town, rode the bike path, had an iced coffee, visited with an old friend, and toured the town on two wheels.
     It was my first "long" ride of the season.  I have been riding around my block, but never straying far from home.  Jackie has not been in tip top form for a few months, and she often needs me  during the day.  So I stay close.
     But we now have a provider who is coming in a couple of days a week for 3 hours just so I can do things like ride my bike, go to the store, clean up a museum....things I could not do without her staying with Jackie.
     For 3 hours today I did not have to worry that she had fallen, or needed something and no one was around to help.  For me, it was great.
     I ran into an old friend on the bike path.  She was walking, very fast, and I was riding.  I passed her and he said, "Hi Terry!"  I turned and recognized her right away.
     We had a great time catching up, while maintaining a safe social distance.    The little baby she had last year is starting her freshman year in high school...I swear it has gone by that fast.
     I got an iced coffee, sat and sipped in the shade, rode around the town and did not once worry that I was needed at home.
     It was a good feeling, much needed.
     And I got in a bit over 11 miles.
     Hopefully my legs are not too burned....I forgot to put sunscreen on them.
     I will remember next time.
     Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Stay masked.
Peace and Love

Thursday, June 11, 2020


I have actual flowers in my new garden

     The spiderworts haveburst forth in bloom.....well, as much as a new planting can burst.
     I have checked the garden and it seems I only lost 4 plants!  And that was my fault, because I was told three did not do well in full sun.  Guess the guy was right.
     Another one I pulled, thinking it was a weed.  I replanted it, but no luck.
     I spent a couple of hours today cleaning up a little building in the park across the road.  It is actually a museum, and the museum board is responsible for maintaining it.
     One person used to do that....but she moved several years ago and we have not cleaned it since.
     Four of us went over today and swept, dusted, washed windows....and it looks a lot better.
     I have a bag that weighs about 10 pounds.....dead Asian beetles.
     I also mowed....... and tomorrow I am going into town and riding the bike path for the first time!  I am excited.
     I just hope I can make the full distance..it has been a while.
     Stay healthy.  Stay safe.   Stay masked.
Peace and Love

Look hard and you can see the deer Corki barked at

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

day........oh no.......85

It's deja vu, all over again

     Thanks, Yogi, for the inspiration.
     And note....this was Yogi Berra, not Yogi Bear.  One was a baseball player, the other a fictional cartoon character.
     I have an author I really enjoy.  Last Christmas, I ordered her newest book from Barnes and Noble.  It came, and I put it on the shelf to read this summer.
     Well......I picked it up yesterday and started reading.
     It sounded very familiar.  That's when I realized I already bought this book last summer, and read it then!
     And today, I called our eye doctor to schedule our Covid delayed exams.  I was asked if I had seem my retina specialist lately.  I said yes. I went sometime last fall.  And I could not remember his name.  That's no surprise, because I am terrible with names.
     Well....the local office called the retina specialist to narrow down the date of my last visit.  It was fall .......but it was 2018!  I never scheduled an appointment for last year at all!
     What the hell......
     Now my local visit is delayed until I see the retina guy, who does more specialized testing with equipment my local person does not have.
     I really need to pay more attention to the little details in life.
     Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Stay masked.
Peace and Love

PS.....if life was fair, this blog would be written in Liverpool tonight.  But....stuff happens!

Tuesday, June 9, 2020


This is my 3,000th   blog post!

     Never thought I would continue this long.
     How to celebrate?
     Well, a continuation of my Mackinac Island memories, for one.
     Three things that really stand out.  Please realize, it has been 11 years since we last went there.
     The Grand Hotel porch is restricted to guests only.  Try to walk on the grounds and you will be stopped by a very polite guard.  But, if you walk around the complex and approach itfrom a little road to the west, you can walk up onto the porch and sit and rock with the rich.
     Jackie and I did that one year.  A butler even asked if we needed anything.  It was very cool.
     A second Grand Hotel memory.  They had a $25 lunch and if you bought a lunch ticket you got to tour the hotel on your own. 
     We walked into a banquet hall filled with food.  I hit every table except the sea food and vegetables.  Some of them twice.
     I sauntered up to the dessert table, which was at least 600 feet long, and just stared.  Almost every kind of sweet was there.
     I was looking at one dessert and asked what it was.  The two you beauties staffing the table said, "Terra and Sue."  I said my name was Terry and it was nice to meet you, but what is this dessert.  They looked and me and said, "Terra, me Sue."  I again said nice to meet you, then I looked at the one girl and said,
"Terra,  now that I know your name, I just want to know what his dessert is called."
     They looked at each othre, then looked at me, and Terra said, "My name is Cathy and the dessert is called tiramisu.  It is a cream filled coffee flavored Italian dessert."
     I was a bit embarrassed.  But it was delicious.
     Third most vivid memory. 
     We went with Julia, Emily, Steve, and MaryKay.  We rented a carriage to tour the island.  It was going great, the guide was wonderful, we were having a fun time until......
     We got on the subject of winter on the island.  I said, "I remember reading that last winter a snowmobile went through the ice and someone died."
     He stopped the horses, turned in his seat and stared at me.  "That was my cousin and I don't like to talk about it."
     The rest of the ride was in silence.  But he got a good tip.
     Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Stay masked.
Peace and Love

Monday, June 8, 2020

day...... #30#.......83

If you ever worked at a newspaper, that means something

     Renee, Sharon, Lonny, Jean may remember that.
     In the olden days, before computers, reporters ended their stories with 30.  Or ##.  Sometimes both. That told editors the writer was done.
     Well.....something is at an end today.
     I'm not atalking about the trip to London.  That's been dead a while.  Our plane would be somewhere over Greenland by now, by the way.
    I'm talking lilacs.
    I love the smell of lilacs.  For the past 2 weeks, our house has smelled of them with fresh cuttings from our lilac bush.
     But now, the blooms are faded and falling. 
     Years ago we used to go to Mackinac Island right after school was over for the summer.  It was always around Lilac Festival time on the island.
     We would walk the main street, have ice cream, sample fudge, step in horse poop...all the fun things.
     I always had to have fresh whitefish.  Every night.  We usually stayed three nights, and I would have whitefish three different ways....grilled, broiled, and my favorite...baked on a plank.
     I'd ride the island road, which this year was severely damaged by high water  in the lake and heavy erosion. 
     We'd sit on the porch of the Metevier Inn, sometimes I'd have a glass of wine, usually afternoon tea.  Both of us reading and smelling the lilacs.
     I loved going there.  I even thought that one summer we could work and live there.  The kids were old enough to be on their own, and we usually had no major summer trips planned.
     The lilac smell always brought a smile to my face at the memory of those halcyon days.
     Now I have to wait until next year, because the lilacs are 30.    ##.
     Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Stay masked.
Peace and Love

Sunday, June 7, 2020

day .....bam!!.....82

I am not a great cook

     I don't go "bam" when I make a meal, unlike that chef whose name I don't remember.
     I try hard.
     Tonight I made pizza in my cast iron skillet.  My FB friend and neighbor Chad sent me a recipe and I used it.
     It wasn't awful.
     If I had been watching the time  a little better, it might have been great.  I cooked it a little too long and the crust was a bit hard and the cheese golden brown. 
     I made the dough from scratch.  It was a community project, because Emily had to buy the yeast.
     I had forgotten dough could be so sticky. 
     I took home ec in eighth grade.  I remember we made pizza from scratch.
    We worked in groups, and I was in a group with a guy named Jim.
     We were in eighth grade.  We all walked to school, except for Jim.  He drove.       He was 16 and dumber than a post.  He was also big.  He was also not the most hygienic eighth grader.
     So there we were...a bunch of goofy eighth graders mixing dough, slicing pepperoni, (yes, they allowed us to use knives in the olden days) and doing all the tasks that needed to be done to make a pizza from scratch.
     We all took turns kneading the dough.
     I noticed that when Jim took the lump, he had a lot of black under his fingernails.
     When he gave the lump to me, his nails were spotless.
     When that pizza came out of the oven, all I could see was Jim's fingernails...before and after.
     It was the only time in my life I turned down food.
     My under-nails were clean before and after kneading the dough tonight.
    See....I did learn something in school!
     Stay healthy. Stay safe.  Stay masked.
Peace and Love

Saturday, June 6, 2020


I don't know how this happened

     I seem to have lost 5 pounds.
     I've looked behind me, but I don't see it.
     I know it is not because of my exercise routine, or my chocoholic tendencies.
     I think I have skipped lunch a couple of times this past month because I have been getting up later.  And we have been eating salads a lot.
     But I also snack on cookies and candy.
     I realize  every time Jackie asks me to do something, I put food in my mouth.  Pick up  a pen?  Have a cookie.  Get her something to drink?  Have a handful of candy covered chocolates.
    It's almost a conditioned response.  I eat when I am not hungry, because I am eating out of frustration and boredom.
     Just tonight I had 4 cookies, chocolate, another cookie, ice cream, more chocolate, an orange, six pieces of fried chicken, 2 slabs of ribs, 14 hot dogs.....or that is what it seems.
     I have to cut down.
     Starting tomorrow.  Right now I hear some cookies calling me.
     Stay healthy. Stay safe.  Stay masked.
Peace and Love

Friday, June 5, 2020


Time for some stats talk

     Time flies when you are having fun.
     For example, this is post 2,296!  My math skills are asleep tonight, but I started this in 2014 as a way to fulfil a New Year's Resolution of actually finishing something I started.  (But 2,296 seems off when you figure the years.  But computers never lie, do they?)
     Since then, I have even put together puzzles, which were always difficult for me to finish. 
     But I still have not finished revising my book, or finishing my second book, or my third book.   The sands of time are running out.  Any chance I could be a successful author at some point?  By sucessful, I mean sell books to total strangers.  Why can't I finish?
     But I digress.
     So far, this little effort has had 184,000 plus page views. 
     I confess, I never expected to be doing it more than a year.  And I never expected people to read it.
     I think the first year had the funniest entries as I bared my soul to the 12 people who were reading it then.
     If statistics are any indication, most of you use Chrome as a platform to access it, and many of  you use an I Phone to read it.  I admire you...I can't even see the freaking texts when I get them.  Now I use a magnifying glass.....a sign of aging to be sure.
     Speaking of aging, Ringo Starr turns 80 in the next couple of weeks.  How did we get so old?  For those of you under a certain age, Ringo was  a drummer in a little band that hung around for a while in the 60s.
     And if it wasn't for Covid 19, I would be heading to their stomping grounds on Monday., along with Sheri and Linda.  We would have met Julia in London, gone to Liverpool to meet Matt and his dad for a highly personalized tour of all the Beatles sights....homes, parks, Penny Lane, Strawberry Fields, Cavern Club, Casbah Club... anywhere the boys would have played.  And I bet we would have had a couple of pints along the way.
     Oh well.....sometimes life sucks.
    On that note, stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Stay masked.  Stay hopeful.
Peace and Love

Thursday, June 4, 2020

day.......how much?......79

I ventured out today

     I went shopping in Rockford, and now am a tad worried.
     I wore a mask....everyone in the store had a mask.....but still.
     I wiped down the cart, used my hand sanitizer, did not touch my face..... but still.
     Is this how it will be the rest of this year?  What about next year?
     At some people people will just stop wearing masks and caring....and that scares me.
     I also had a bit of a shock.
     Bought some instant pudding......98 cents a pack!  I seem to remember it as 50 cents or so the last time I went.  And pop!  Holy cow, that is expensive.
     As a side note....I have not bought toilet paper since February....and it was way before the Covid situation developed.  I think I have enough until September.
     The store was out of a lot of things....some strange.  No decaf tea bags.  No Bounty napkins.  No rectangular lotion free Puffs.
     They had a 15 foot section of generic flushable wipes though.
     I get so tired shopping.....I really have to think about ordering on line and then picking it up.  It would save money because I would not do any impulse buying....like two kinds of crackers Jackie does not like.
     Emily and John bought me some Gruyere cheese from Switzerland some place locally, and since I love that cheese, I looked for some.  A little four ounce block was almost $6.  Yikes.  Almost cheaper to fly there and bring it home.
     Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Stay masked.
Peace and Love

Wednesday, June 3, 2020


I am one tired puppy tonight

     I sat down last night and made a list of things I should do today.  At about 9:45, I finished the list plus a few extras.
     Three loads of laundry, clean up the cardboard in the garage, vacuum the den and great room, empty the dishwasher, cook supper, do dishes, run an errand into town, straighten up the nook table, ride 4 miles on my bike....a pretty full plate.
     BUT.....it was so nice, and it did not rain, so I mowed.  And crushed cans.     And planted (finally) my parsley.  And did I mention I got a haircut?  And I rode 4.7 miles!
     I did more today than I have in two weeks, total.
     Must have been the coffee.
    But I am tired.
    Hopefully the wine I am sipping will put me to sleep......if not, Coyote Oldman is in the CD player.
     Stay healthy.   Stay safe.  Stay masked.
Peace and Love

     And now, some before and after pictures.

My forehead seems to be getting larger!

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

day ...... a new friend?......77

I had a friend request from  a Julie today

     She looked a little familiar, so I clicked on her page.
     Turns out, she is quite lonely and very aroused!  She wants to be my friend, all I have to do is click on her website.
     I deleted the friend request, but now I am worried.  Will I be hacked?  Is this stain on my Facebook page forever?  Do I have to burn my computer and start over?
     The soft porn angle really makes me nervous.
     On a different note, I rode my  bike for the first time this year today!  I only went 4 miles, and truth be told, I was tired.
     In all other years, I have ridden in April and May.  I can't explain it, just have not been motivated enough to ride.
     Maybe today is the start of my riding season.
     Funny thing....had to go to a store today for a couple of OTC drugs for Jackie.
     Got in my car and was headed into town and looked at the temperature on the dashboard.  77 degrees.  It felt warm for 77, but the sun was shining.
     Went to the store, went to the bank, it was still 77 on my car.  The bank thermometer was 94.  The bank across the street was 95.  Suddenly, I was hot!
     I picked up a couple of prescriptions in the WM drive thru, and it was still 77.
     Half way home, it popped to 89, then 92.
     That was just strange.
     But fitting with the times, which are strange and scary.
     We watch "Friends" at night when we go to bed.  Tonight Billy Crystal and Robin Williams did a scene in the coffee house.  I had forgotten how brilliant Robin Williams was. 
     Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Stay masked.
Peace and Love

Monday, June 1, 2020

day...that's the spirit! .....76

It has been a year to remember

     And it is only the first of June.
     I was supposed to be leaving June 8 for the Cubs/Cards two game series in London.  Obviously that is not happening.
     I am just glad I got all the money back.  I think.
     I hope to go next year, but if this year is any indicator, nothing is a given.
     I finished mulching my little prairie garden..... now all they have to do is grow.
     Dan and Linda were passing by and stopped to talk while I was out mulching. Of course, we dept a safe distance, unlike the goofs in pools down south Memorial Day weekend, or the people protesting.
     I may have made a couple of mistakes.  I planted a Joe Pie-weed, and it gets about 6 feet tall.  I hope it is not too "weedy" looking.  I won't mention the cup plants I planted which may get a little taller than that.
     Egads...what was I thinking?
      I got Jackie on the golf cart today and we took a tour of the back yard.  She doesn't get out there very often and she really needs to see what is going on.
     Peas are coming up, Italian beans are sprouting.  Tomato plants and green peppers look ok.  But...I planted bush beans and of the three rows, only four seeds sprouted.  I replanted them the other day, so hopefully we will have plenty of beans this year.
     I walked Corki tonight and then sat on the front porch with a nice glass or red....but the gnats and skeeters were too much for me and I had to go in.  Too bad because it was such a nice night.
     That's about it. 
     Stay healthy.  Stay home.  Stay masked.
Peace and Love