Wednesday, February 12, 2020

silent shroud of snow

It is beautiful outside tonight

     I know it is snowing.  I know it is cold.
     But it is beautiful.
     I let Corki out about 10:30 for the second time in the last two hours. 
     I put on my heavy coat and just stand outside with her in case Wiley Coyote and friends come around.  When I did that earlier, I sat on  the bench outside and darn near fell asleep!   I was as warm as a joey in a pouch and Corki was just standing out there looking around, barking at the neighbors who were outside. 
     It was so calm and peaceful.
     Not to sound morbid, but that is the way I want to go.  Just lay me out in the snow on a cold winter's night, with the owls hooting and the flakes drifting down on me, feeling like angel kisses.  So quiet, so peaceful.
     But I have miles to go before I sleep.
Peace and Love

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