Tuesday, February 11, 2020

moon river

I saw the moon tonight

     That may not seem super great, but it has been so cloudy the past two nights I could not see the Snow Moon.  Tonight it is shining brightly.
     Last night it was still bright enough to see two deer in the back yard browsing next to the bird feeder.  We always see deer tracks in the yard, but seldom see deer.
     Went to see Star Wars today......  At my age long periods of time between shows is not a good idea.  I had forgotten who most of the people were, but it soon came back to me.  It was Carrie Fisher's last role and it was eerie seeing her on screen.  I believe the actor who played Chewey, Peter Mayhew?, also died before the film was released.
     I should have seen it in I Max and 3-D....that would have been pretty neat.
     Uncle Leo said, "There's another man who's a genius.  Took a bunch of goofy space createures and turned them into a billion dollar industry."
     If only the rest of us had such talent and creativity.
     Problem:  I can't get the music out of my head.
    Da da da da da da daaaaaa dum
Peace and Love

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