Tuesday, February 25, 2020

going batty

I actually woke myself up with a yell last night

     I went to bed early, about 10.  That is early.  But going to bed is not the same as going to sleep.
     I know the cuckoo clock chimed 12 and I was still awake.  I drifted off after that.
     Then I woke myself up with a yell.
     Jackie did not hear it, which surprised me.  I thought I was very loud, at least in my dream.
     What set me off?
     We built a house.  It was long and narrow.  There was a concrete ramp that led to the basement. 
     We went downstairs to the basement and the electrician pointed out the problem:  Bats.
     Not just ordinary bats, but bats that eat through wood and concrete!  The wood in one part of our basement was almost gone and there were round holes in the concrete walls and ceiling.
     I think somebody said we had built our house on a nesting ground for a weird type of ground dwelling bat.  Our house was rigbt in their grounds, so they were making themselves at home.
     I shined a flashlight up into a hole and one came flying down at me and that is when I yelled and woke up.
     Now I'll never know if we coexisted with the bats or they took over the house and we moved.
     Could there be a sequel tonight?  I really hope not.  I need the sleep.
Peace and Love

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