Wednesday, February 26, 2020

sigh....that's it

This has not been a good day

     Went to bed early and fell asleep relatively early only to wake up at 4 and not get back to sleep again.  My legs and hips hurt.  Getting old.
     Had to take Jackie to the doctor because she is ailing.  Left her there for 30 minutes while I did my mentoring time with my little buddy.
     Tried to renew my membership at the Egyptian Theater in DeKalb only to be told my e mail is invalid, I don't have a password,. and I can't use that e mail because it is already in use.  After I spent 10 minutes figuring that out, had to start over because I had two memberships in my shopping basket.
     Could not get WGN on the Apple TV, which frustrates Jackie.  Finally it came on, but it jumps a lot.
     Throw in the gloomy day, occasional snowflakes, cold wind and it was a pretty crappy day.
     Being Ash Wednesday, we had shrip dinners from a local place and they were very good.
     I missed church becaause I was not comfortable leaving her alone.
    And now, to cap off the day, methinks I am making a hot toddy.  A strong one.
Peace and Love

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