Saturday, February 22, 2020


I just looked at my blog numbers

     I once read that there are better sites to post a blog, sites that get better traffic.
I don't know anything about those.
     I started this blog a long time ago.  The idea was to tell short, humorous details about my boring life.
     I have published 2,192 blog posts over the years of doing this.  That's a lot.
     There have been 175,333 visits to my posts over the years.  I think that is a lot too.
     My most read post was April 10, 2015....the day after a tornado changed all our lives....Emily's and John's especially.
     Sometimes I vent here, but mostly I go over the mundane and humourous parts of my life.  Often they all intermingle.  To be honest, I have another place I also vent.  I call it Letters to God and there are some days my letters are a little, shall we say, dark and filled with anger.  So far, He has not written back.  (Brings to mind my dad story...but that's for another day.)
     But I digress.
     I do want to thank you all for reading these posts.  Whether you have been a long time reader, an occasional reader, or a just new reader..thank you for letting me into your life.
     And after years of complaining about the spell checker feature....the one that if I typed aslo would give me 6 variations of the word also, but never also... I do miss that.  To be honest, my vision is not as good as it used to be.  Or my hearing.  Or my knees.  Or my hips.  My appetite seems good though.
Peace and Love

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