Thursday, February 20, 2020

picky picky

Sometimes people are just too picky

     Jackie, for instance.  Yesterday she asked me to get some blueberries.  I got blueberries.  She did not want to eat them.
     Sure, I dropped the container getting out of the car and blueberries were rolling everywhere over the garage floor.  I offered to wash them off, but she was hesitant.
     So I bought more blueberries.
     I have dropped them twice in the store.  Both times at the register and people were lined up behind me as blueberries scattered across the floor.
     I guess I am not a hands guy.
     It's just something about blueberries, I think.  I never drop them at home, just in the store or garage.
     And in case you wonder, I am a caring person.  I swept them up and then asked if she wanted to still eat them.  I could have just put them back in the container, or most of them, and washed them and she would have been none the wiser.
     And except for the bits of rock, they were probably ok for someone other than me to eat.
Peace and Love

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