Sunday, February 9, 2020

missed it again

I don't think Mother Nature likes me

     Tonight there was supposed to be a super moon; the Snow Moon was supposed to be huge when it rose in the sky.
     Except there were clouds and I could not see it.  That seems to happen whenever there is a neat event going on in the skies, like meteor showers, comets, or giant alien space ships hovering just barely above the skyline. 
     It is either rainy, or foggy, or tonight.
     Change of topic.  I am looking to buy a condo in Floirida.  The units in the building I want just went on presale.  The Trib had a big advertisement for the condos, which start at $6.1 million and run up to $14.2 million.  Unless you want a penthouse, which runs fron $25 mil to $32 mil.
     I figure with my lottery winnings last week, I might be able to afford a place.
     Oh's that damn money envy rearing it's ugly head again.
     Off to's late and I am not.
Peace and Love

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