Sunday, February 16, 2020

I hate anchovies

I had a weird dream the other night

     A bunch of us went out for pizza.  There were 15 people in the group, so we could not all sit at the same table.
     I sat with a bunch of friends.
     Eddy, a loner, sat by himself.  Julie and Jim are newlyweds, so they sat at a table by themselves.  Bonnie and Tim were on a first date, so they opted for a table by themselves also.
     We all had some wine and some mozzarella sticks, then it was time to order.
My table wanted just a  cheese and sausage pizza.  All 10 of us agreed.
     That's when the problem started.
     Eddy likes anchovies.  So he ordered a small pizza for himself with that salty fish as a topping.  Bonnie and Tim thought that was interesting, so they also opted for the fishy pizza.  Julie and Jim don't eat meat, so their option was also anchovies.
     The orders went in and we had a great tine until the pizza arrived.
     All the pizzas  had anchovies!
     I called the owner over.  "Pete," I said.  "We don't want anchovies.  We got anchovies.  We don't want anchovies."
     He sighed and said, "That's the way it works.  We take the number of tables ordering a pizza and that's what everyone gets."
     So, we were stuck with anchovies.  Which we don't like.
     I hope I don't go back to Collegio Electtorale Pizza again....but I
 fear my nightmare will reoccur.
Peace and Love and Anchovies

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