Friday, February 7, 2020


Why do companies have to make things hard

     Looking to book airline tickets for this summer, but I can't get a handle on the prices. 
     For example, a site may list a fare as round trip for $1,100.  When you click through, the return trip comes up at another $700 plus baggage fees.  And what is the difference between economy, economy flexible, and economy plus?  A lot of money, for one. 
     The same route by two different airlines leaves at the same time... but one lists dinner and  the other says no meals.  Do overseas flights not provide meals for the 8 hour flight?  Same plane, but one fare is considerably cheaper because you pay extra for luggage and don't get food.  Plus you sit in cramped seats. 
     I am a simple person.  I prefer simple answers.  If I ask how much a loaf of bread is, I expect someone to tell me how much the loaf of bread is.  And when I go to pay for said bread, I know how much dough to lay out.  (I thought it was punny.)
     Why do companies have to make it so hard?  (Cue the music written for whiners.)
     It's enough to make me want to walk.
     Speaking of whiners, I have been doing this little blog for 4 years and every t ime I type there is a spell check icon at the top.  Granted, it was terrible at correcting.  If I mistyped also as alo I would get alps, ask, awl, and several other options but never also.
     Anyway...that option has disappeared.  I am on my own for spelling.  How hrad can thet be?
Peace and Love

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