Tuesday, February 4, 2020

so close

I need to get into a training regimen

     I found out today how far out of shape I am.  Part of that is because of the pause button on the tv.
     In the old days, we had to wait for a pause in the action to use the bathroom.     Then someone developed a remote with a pause option, and my training fell to the wayside.
     I went to see 1917 tonight.  I have  an AMC Stubb's membership, which is $15 a year.  Every Tuesday is $6 movie and $5 popcorn and pop night.  I got there just as the movie was about to start because somehow between the hearing aid place and the cinema, I lost my card.  I looked everywhere, but could not find it.  I asked and found out they can look up a membership using an e-mail.  Amazing.
     Making a long story short..it is a 2 hour movie.  I made it about 1 hour 54 minutes before my bladder actually started yelling at me through my intestines.
I think that's because I am so used to hitting the pause, I have not maintained my ability to drink a lot of liquid and hold it, resulting in my being forced  to jump out of a car and urinate on a UNESCO world heritage site at least once.  I digress.
     Luckily, I did last until the message was delivered and disaster averted, both on screen and off.
     I need to start watching movies nonstop at home to train myself.  Either that or give up the popcorn and pop special on Tuesday.
Peace and Love

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