Saturday, February 8, 2020


Today was just a blah kind of day

     I went to a visitation for one of the first people I met coming to Rochelle.  She was a sweet lady who has been sick the past few years.  I never went to visit because....well, I guess I was just afraid of seeing her.
     That's the problem with living in a small town for a long while...too many people you knew are listed in the obits.  Very depressing.
     I also went to the new VCCT theater and helped clean up.  Since I don't do heavy lifting, I am completely qualified to sweep.  I did for two hours, then came home and took a shower because I was a little dusty.
     Like I said....kind of a blah day.  But I am tired, so I am headed to bed early.       Just hope I can sleep.
Peace and Love

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