Monday, February 3, 2020

feeling feet good

We got pedicures today and it feels great

     You reach a certain age and trimming nails becomes a chore.  I can't trim my nails, let alone Jackie's.  So for the past year or two we have been getting our nails done in a place in Sycamore.
     It's a process.
     It took four of us to get her up the small step and into the chair.  But getting her down is easy, because she gets up and I put the wheelchair right behind her.        Then I roll it backward very gently until we bump down to the main floor.  It scares the bejeebes out of her every time.
     I also dropped my broken hearing aid off at the hearing center.  Please feel free to repeat or speak loudly for the next few days.
     Next I said I wanted to stop at a framing shop.  I had seen on in downtown DeKalb, so we went and drove very old people are supposed to do on clear, dry days.
     I was looking for a place called the Framing Spot.  I swear I had seen it a few months ago.  But when we drove past where I thought it was, the sign said The Gaming Spot.  So, I might have been a bit off.
     When I googled it at home, I discovered until last November there was a framing place in downtown I am a bit late.
     Not to worry, there is a shop in Sycamore that does good work.
     Jackie's grandfather, (along with my dad...think of that) were stationed at Camp Grant in Rockford during The Great War.  I never think war is so great, but it turned out not to be the war to end all wars so we renamed it WW I.
     Sorry, I digress.
     Jackie had a picture of her grand pappy's company.  It is about 30 inches long and 10 inches high and rapidly disintegrating.  About 5 years ago, maybe longer, we went to Danny Williams and he made a digital copy of the picture, filling in the torn and missing spots.  It looks pretty good for 102.
     I was supposed to get  the remastered one framed.  Me, being a procrastinator, put it on the top shelf in the closet.  I found it when we emptied out the closet for the flooring.
     I vow, within the next two weeks, to take it in for framing. 
     I'll bet a chicken dinner I get it done, too.  At least it will be taken in, the framing may take longer than two weeks.
     It's not easy being me.
Peace and Love

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