Monday, February 10, 2020

some things

I don't know where my time goes

     Yes, I do spend time on social media and playing solitaire, but my days just seem to zoom past.
     Today, for example.  I have not yet read the Tribune for the day. And I have only played a couple of games of solitaire.  And yes, John and Emily came with Loba for a visit ,which was great.  And I did watch 3 episodes of Schitt$ Creek....well maybe that is why my time seems so short.
     I have a lot of little projects to finish and I just seem to delay them.  Such as copying some pictures and sending them to relatives, calling an insurance agent that has called me several times, calling a banker about my IRA and setting up a time to meet with him. 
     I just put those things off.
     First thing tomorrow.....that is what I said most of last week.
     We'll see.
     Until them, I have a Trib to read.
Peace and Love

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