Sunday, February 2, 2020

Super Bowl Sunday

I had mixed emotions about the game today

     I am in a football pool, and way back in September I picked Kansas City to win the Super Bowl.  Now normally, I would be counting some green right now....but, not going to happen.
     The pool has three levels.  I played level one and picked the Patriots.  In level 2 I picked Kansas City and  ...... the Bears.  You earn points for every win.  A couple of other people picked KC, but they picked the Packers and the Patriots and other teams that had better records than the Bears, so they earned more points.
     So, I was rooting for the 49ers because of the Chicago connection.  Robbie Gould, the best kicker in Bears history plays on SF.  Jimmy Ward, a defensive back, played at NIU.  An offensive lineman #75, Robinson but I can't remember his first name, moved from Haiti to Chicago and grew  up in Rogers Park.  He went to Lane Tech High School and eventually Duke.  He overcame poverty, language barriers, an unstable home life, a difficult commute to school but played well and got a scholarship.  He intends to become a doctor.  And of course the running back Mostert was actually on the Bears for a couple of games back in 18 but was cut.
     I am glad KC won though, they are a darn exciting team.
     During the game, we went through a box from our closet.

     Check these out.

Proof that Jackie graduated from elementary school!

We have been saving this since ,  well, forever.  Any idea what it is for?

After 20 plus years I guess I can toss this
     Hope you had a great Super Bowl Sunday!
Peace and Love

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