Monday, February 17, 2020

tired and sore

My whole body aches tonight

     It seems to be worse lately.....knees, hips, shoulder, fingers.  I feel fine, I just hurt.
     I have been going to a fitness center and walking.  I go Monday, Wednesday and one other day.  Or at least I am trying to go.
     Today I walked at a normal pace for five minutes, then I walked at a really fast pace (for me) for three minutes.  I repeated that loop three times and I was a bit tuckered when I hit the 1.5 mile mark.
     I finally loaded a book onto my reader.  That only took three days.  I am not computer literate.  Next time I walk, I can read.
     The day was pretty boring....wet, cloudy, chilly.  I don't like days like this.
     That's it.  Pretty blah, huh?  Just like the weather.
Peace and Love

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