Thursday, February 27, 2020

eh....thats good, sort of

I had a busy day today

     Jackie is doing much better.  The antibiotics have helped her a lot.  Thank you for your concerns.
     I had a urologist appointment today.  When men reach a certain age, there is a little thingy in their body that goes haywire.  I used to call it a prostrate, but I now call it correctly, damn prostate.
     Anyway, there is a PSA (don't know what it means) test to indicate your prostate health.  Four years ago mine was 3.9, now it is 5.4.  It's not a drastic rise, but it is a rise; hence the urologist.
     I asked him if that was good or bad and he said "Eh."  I asked for clarification.  He said it was good that it was steady, but not good it was over 5; hence, "Eh."
     I won't tell you what happened next........just that it was not the most fun time of the day for me, or him.
     What was fun was stopping at Ollie's for custard.  Yes, it was cold, but not too cold for a black forest sundae.  And unlike last year, when I got in trouble for going there alone, I brought home some butter pecan for Jackie, so she was ok with my indulgence.
     Visited a friend in the hospital, then went to Target and got pissed in the parking lot.
     You know how people leave their carts just willy nilly?  I always park away from any loose carts.  Today was no exception.  I bought some toilet paper (I now have over 300 rolls again, but it was a good sale) and some other stuff.
     As I was unloading my cart and stuffing paper towels in the back seat the wind kicked up and blew the cart into the passenger side front door, leaving a small ding.
     It just ticked me off that I rail at people leaving carts in the lot and it is my cart that dings me.
     Karma is a bitch.
Peace and Love

Too cold to smile, not too cold for custard

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