Sunday, February 23, 2020

shorts and snowshoes

Our weather is about to get wild 

     It was in the 50s today and it felt really good.  But Tuesday, well, there is a winter storm watch and we are expected to get 6 inches or more!  That's what she said!  The weather lady on the Rockford tv station, you perverts.
     I am looking forward to a good snow.  Heavens knows, snow days are of no importance to us anymore.
     But I could go snowshoeing if there is enough snow.
     Repeating my snowshoe story: (that is something us older folks do quite frequently)  Several years ago,,, maybe 15..... I went to Cranfest in Warrens WI.  It's a huge flea market/craft show with great cranberry cream puffs.  I saw a pair of snowshoes for maybe $15, and I bought them.  These are the old style ones and I actually could use them for tennis if I had to.
     I enjoy tromping around in the snow, but I have to admit it is hard work.  One time I took a thermos full of hot chocolate, went out to Nachusa Grasslands, and snowshoed my way out to a hill.  Might have been coyote knob, I don't remember.  I sat down on a rock and had a couple of cups of hot chocolate.  It was amazing.
     I can't do that now, because the bison roam that area.
     I have gone into Skare Park several times on my snowshoes but three years ago I broke a strap.
     A local guy restrapped them for about $50, which was a lot of money but worth it for the experience.  I have gone 3 times since then!  It seems to snow, then get bitterly cold, and freeze, making it hard to snowshoe.  And there may have been a snow or two where I was sick.
     But now...feeling good!  Snowshoes ready!
     Wednesday may be the day I finally hit the woods on my tennis rackets!
Peace and Love

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