Thursday, June 13, 2019

an adventure?

I have a zoo day tomorrow

     Normally I take 88 to 294 south, then get off at Ogden.
    But, and as I said about my first girlfriend, this is a big but:  Construction on 294 at 88 caused me to drive very slowly for about 20 minutes.  It normally is a 5 minute drive.
     So tomorrow, I am getting off at Midwest Road and going south to Ogden.  Hopefully I can avoid stopped traffic.
     I tell you this because there is an outside chance I make the wrong turn and end up in Oshkosh, by gosh.  Or Memphis. 
     Since I am a man, I will not stop and ask directions.  Nor will I rely on my phone to navigate the way.  I will look for moss on the sides of trees to help me determine north and then find my way east.
     I will carry water, a couple of protein bars and an empty gallon jug...just in case.
     I did have some amazing news on gas prices, but I seem to have misplaced the receipt I was going to show.  Maybe tomorrow.
     Adieu.  Bon Voyage.  Aloha.
Peace and Love

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