Sunday, June 2, 2019

pity party

Sometimes I wish I wasn't me

I  can't put my outdoor table together because I can't find my nuts.  Correction, the nuts for the table.  I always put them in a baggie and tape it to the table.  This year I rolled out the table and ..... you guessed it, no nuts.
I have to trim the bushes.  Jackie bought me a neat little trimmer last year.  I have the trimmer, the box, the battery ...... but the charging cord seems to be missing.  Not in the box.  Not where it should be.
I toasted a bagel this morning.  Normally I use a wooded toast retrieval device, but not today.  Why?  I can't find it.
I wish I was somebody else.  Somebody who puts things away, is orderly, can throw stuff away, and someone who does not spend hours looking for items that should not be missing.
It's damn depressing.
Some pictures of my week
I saw this car in Rockford, thought it was some type of police vehicle...then I saw the sticker

Had me fooled!  He was wearing sunglasses, and smoking.....

I had never seen an albino gator

Oh no, Terry!  don't turn on the gas for your grill just yet!!
Peace and Love

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