Saturday, June 22, 2019

who do you trust

We went to a family graduation party today

     Our niece's daughters graduated and are on their way toe the U of I.  The party was outdoors and it was a gorgeous day.  No rain, no bugs, cool, shady, great food.
     They live in Spring Grove, up near the Wisconsin border north of McHenry.
     My mom used to live in the area and we made frequent trips there.  I found a bakery in McHenry that makes a dyn-o-mite cherry coffeecake but I have not had it in years.
     So I called and asked them to hold one  for me.
     We left at about 11, went to Rockford to pick up my brother, then headed toward McHenry.
     Jackie put an address in the navigation system and off we went.
I didn't think we would ever get here.  The system took us down back roads and in a way that we had never gone.  At one point I said I had no clue where we were, so we just had to follow the GPS.
     It took us through Bull Valley, an area of exclusive homes, narrow, winding roads, and a 35 or 40 mph speed limit.  Twice.  We were following the directions, went through Bull Valley, made a couple of turns and hit a sign that said Bull Valley.
     Normally we would go 120 to McHenry.  But I opted to disregard my copilot and follow the GPS.
     And if you have ever heard of Franklinville, you are one up on me.  I believe we passed that town at some point.
      I bought the coffee cake, saw some cookies, spotted the apple bread and $26 later   I walked out of the bakery a happy person.
     All was well that ended well a little over 2 and a half hours later.   It was a fun get together with lots of food.
     Next time I won't use the GPS.
Peace and Love....

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