Thursday, June 20, 2019


I don't have a green thumb

     I try.  Maybe it's the soil, or the weather, or my timing.
     But I try.
     My strawberry patch did not do well last year.  So this year I ripped out all  the old plants and put in six new, ever bearing plants, that will give us fresh strawberries all summer.
     I also put in some mushroom compost, cow manure and humus,( which is not to be confused with hummus, which Jackie has at lunch).  It rained a lot, so I did not have to water.  After six weeks, I picked my first crop. little, lonely berry.  I figure it is worth about $48.  I ate it.
     To be honest, I did eat two others in the past month.  But seriously?
     Maybe Corki eats them, or the birds, but I doubt it.  I don't see any flowers on the plants.  No flowers, no berries.
     I am not doing something right.
     We had a plot at church that had basically gone wild and year after year we would pick berries.  Mine?  Meh.
     I also had a problem riding today.  I use a Map My Ride ap and today it just would not record my ride.  It kept freezing.  I would reset it and it would freeze.        Very frustrating.  I think I rode 9 miles, but am not sure.  Could have been 8 or 10 too.
     I don't see way to load if you have any suggestions, please let me know.
Peace and Love

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