Saturday, June 15, 2019


Had a great time with extended family tonight

     A niece's daughter graduated, and Jackie's brother retired, plus another niece's son had a birthday, so we went and saw family members that we have not seen in about 10 years.
     These were a brother-in-law's in laws.  A fun group of people, lots of laughter and loud talking and good food.
     My niece and her husband were married about the time Jackie's mother died.  I believe they were married the day or two before the funeral.  Niece said to me tonight, "I'll never forget what you told us at our wedding Terry.  I still laugh."
     It seems her new husband was one of the pall bearers for Jackie's mom.  I said to them, at some point at the funeral, "That's how it gets married, one gets buried."
    I don't remember saying it, but she does...and he does, so it must have happened.
     That was about the last time I saw this group of people.  There was a divorce and they were no longer part of the "family."  They actually had a huge role in one of the most embarrassing days of my life.  Strike that....the most embarrassing day in my life.
    I am sure I told that story sometime over the last four years.
    But it may bear repeating.....just not tonight.
Peace and Love

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