Monday, June 10, 2019

what's up, doc?

I had a doctor's visit today

     Technically, it was a PA as the doctor was not there.  She did a pretty thorough job of questioning me and listening to me.,
     This was my annual heart guy check up.
     Bottom line.....I only have about 18 years to live.
     In the meantime, I have to lose 10 pounds, watch my carbs, and cut down on triglycerides.
     I told her I have eaten this way for 70 years and it is hard to change.  Very hard.
     We have a date for this tine of year in 2020, but she wants to see less of me...about 10 pounds less... at our next meeting.
     I need to eat doubt about it.  Salads, fruits, less carbs.
     And I need to exercise more often. 
     Tonight I rode my bike 6 miles, came home and had a salad.  And pizza.
     Like I said, eating habits are heard to break.
Peace and Love

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