Tuesday, June 18, 2019

crappy day

This was not a good day

     I know, the sun was shining, the weather was warm, I have my health.
     But seriously.
     I took gas cans to town to fill up for mowing.  I could not get one of the cans open.  I tried filling the second one, but I had a hard time.  Every gas station I have gone to allows me to barely squeeze the handle and gas comes out slowly, ideal for gas cans.  I went to a different station today and the gas only came out fast....to fast, as it would splash out of the container.  I got really frustrated.
     We had our AC tuned up and the on demand water heater cleaned.
     We have had this done every year, as recommended.  Today was a disaster.
     I came in from weeding in the yard and went to wash up and the hot water was green.  It stained my hands and my sink.  Of course, the shop was closed so I called the emergency number.....three times.  Then I called another number and finally someone called back.
     They use a weak acid to clean the tank.  After it is cleaned it is drained.  But, we have a recirculation pump on ours and that has to be turned off otherwise the wash gets into the entire system.  Ours was not turned off.  Honest mistake.  We were told to run the hot water until it ran clear and that would solve the problem.
     Because I waited for them to call, I could not go riding.  I wanted to ride.   Really.  Great day.  But I didn't.
     Then I watched the Cubs put the perfect ending to a day that had a lot of promise.
     And......discovered I did not put the frozen burgers back in the freezer, instead leaving them on the counter where four hours later they were a little mushy.
     And part two:   I was going on an overnight camping trip with John and Dave but the forecast calls for rain... a lot of rain.... so we cancelled.
     That means tomorrow will be sunny and beautiful.
     That's how my day went.  Hope yours was better.
Peace and Love

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