Wednesday, June 5, 2019

am I rich?

I did not hear the lottery results today

     I bought my two tickets.  I played the same numbers.  I did my multiple good luck sign movements.
     But I did not win.
     Luckily, during the last thunderstorm I did not get hit by lightning, which I think is more likely to happen than me winning the lottery.
     I need that money for long term care for me!  A friend told me of a great facility for dementia patients, but it is about $9,000 a month.  I may be going there soon.
     Prime example.  Jackie asks what I am doing today.  I t ell her, serve lunch in the park, go to the dentist at 3:45.
     I have had a tooth pain for about three weeks.....well, actually two weeks because it stopped the day I made the appointment to check out the tooth pain.
     I serve lunch and go the the store then head home.  (Rochelle has a free summer lunch program in the park.  Anyone 18 and under can stop and get a box lunch. No need to ask for residency or anything, we just ask if they want a lunch.  It's a great program and if you live in Rochelle it is not too late to apply to help.)
    I get home, have lunch, and at 2 decide to go visit a friend in a nursing home.
    At 4 my phone rings.  The dentist is wondering where I am.
     I completely forgot!
     We talked about it, I wrote it on the calendar, I knew about the appointment.
     So, maybe that place for people developing dementia should be on my radar.
     I just don't remember the name of the place.
Love and Peace and good memory

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