Wednesday, June 26, 2019

over and under

Summer seems to have arrived

     I knew it would, but I still am unprepared.
     I decided to ride at about 2:30 today.  I think I under estimated the heat.  It was in the upper 80s,  but at the start it did not feel uncomfortable.
     I over estimated my ability to ride in the heat, and I became very tired toward the end. 
     I also under estimated the amount of sun.  I started out in clouds, but eventually the sun was out in full force.  I over estimated the ability of my skin to repel the sun's rays.  My legs are a bit "tight" tonight.
     When I was almost done I stopped for an iced coffee at Cypress House and spent some needed time in the shade, relaxing.  I did manage to get in a little over 10 miles, but the last mile was tough.
     Then I went to Wallyworld.  I had on a smelly, stained shirt and my biking pants.  No, not the skin tight type.  I have biking shorts that look like regular shorts but there is padding on the inside along with Spandex thighs....but looking at me, they just look like shorts.
     Emily saw me and did a double take.....she might have rolled her eyes at my appearance.  I looked terrible and smelled worse.
     But, all is well that ends well.  Went home, showered, walked the dog, puttered in the garage, and watched the Cubs lose a winnable game.
    I know the heat will amp up, so I will be a little more selective in when I ride.
    And I'll use sunscreen too.
Love and Peace

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