Saturday, June 29, 2019

say what you mean

People, and things, need to speak clearly

     For example:  Prepare to turn left does not mean turn left.  It means get ready.
Jackie pointed that out as I was driving down a road that looked familiar.  I said it had to be right because the GPS hadn't corrected me.  Two seconds later I was told to make a legal u-turn when it was safe.  That got us back to the road I should not have turned off of, or from which I should not have turned, whatever is correct.
     Then I was told to turn left in 700 feet.
     I was busy determining 700 feet, about two football fields, when I drove past the road I should have prepared to turn left at  in the first place. Luckily the road was a U, so when I did turn left, I ended up at the correct spot.
     After a wonderful afternoon/evening of pizza and visiting, we headed home.
     I had mentioned it would be great to find a Binny's on the way home, because there was some rosé (I figured out how to do the little marks, BTW) I was looking for but could not find.
     I knew there was one in St. Charles, so we took IL 38 instead of the tollway.  After driving for what seemed days, we found the Binny's and I was happy to see they had the wine I wanted.  I bought 3 bottles.  Should have bought more.
     We didn't rely on GPS to get home.  I am like an old horse used to the stable at night.... I can eventually find my way back.
     It's getting there that's an issue.
Peace and Love

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