Sunday, June 30, 2019

what a day

Sunday was a wild day

     Jackie's brother Bob and his wife Anita and their sister Judy came over today.  Bob is a transplanted that how you write it?..... living in Florida and is up for a visit.  Emily and John also came over.
     We had a great time visiting, laughing, eating, watching the Cubs lose.
     There were some surprises......I'll let the pictures do the talking.

This goes back to Friday in LaGrange.....checkerboard tables set up in the downtown.  I liked this one, especially.

On my front door window today....looks gigantic, doesn't it?  Matter of perspective.

Somebody asked for steak sauce. I had this.  Julia got us some when she worked for Nestle in DeKalb.   That was 18 years ago.  Still have it.  For some reason, no one wanted to use it.  I tossed (gasp!) the bottle out

The nozzle for the whipped cream broke....Emily did her best

After everyone left, this was the sky.......rained, but nothing bad

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