Monday, June 17, 2019

3 down

I actually did three things today!

     I mowed, weeded and mulched  two small areas and rode my bike.
     I did that all after serving lunches in the park.
     All in all, I feel pretty good about the day.  I should have done some caulking, but that will be tomorrow.....after I pick up the plants I ordered.  If it is not raining, I will also plant them.  Hopefully.
     Still have the bush to dig out.  Worked on it for a few minutes, but it seems to be stronger than I am.
     I always imagine one day I will be caught up.......not this week, for sure.  Maybe the next.  Or the one after. 
     Now, it's time for bed.
Peace and Love...and happy birthday tomorrow to Sir Paul.

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